Monday 4 July 2022

The Cruel Change

Now i understood the so called politics, another names "Cheat, Fraud, Deception"

Before few times ago my perception was "this is too difficult to understand" but now it appears neet and clear open and shut

The speaker speaks on the platform gone viral somewhere another reactions happens and all goes busy on another case,
What we understood by visualize the whole things that the honorable cameras visualized to us ?

Let's think twice from starting "the words" of a reputed well known person that created catastrophe, aren't a problem creator's ?!
and shouldn't have justice, act against ?! and what are they doing against them ?!

Are they the finest people those want change like ? where is constitution ?!
Isn't it suffering or wrong ?! why don't they think about upcoming generations ! is this a solution oriented changes !
Is this the meaning of that "Ache din" ?!
Are they the better constituents ?

Lots of problem creator's are here they think they are pure and god gifted." Are those ?!

Think twice at the different perspective everyone can feel, it is as obvious and clear
as a student can understand.

-Huzaif Ahmad
Blogger, YouTuber, Educator 

Saturday 2 July 2022

Two different personalities

If two different personalities both are famous by their different nature, lifestyle, enthusiasm, Interests, choices, thought process, way to engage people towards and become sensational, don't judge and compare them from each other by counting their mistakes ups and downs because we all are human beings and have drawbacks along with, if they have popularity it means they faced lot's of struggle behind it,

Now don't overthink you also have undiscovered good things to do for may be you don't know that, collect those positive dots of yourself by following great people and their tips they shared, dig into yourself and find out what is inside you, catch recognition, be ideal of someone, start from small steps, be inspiration, have fun go ahead and best of luck.

Thank You

-Huzaif Ahmad

Blogger YouTuber Educator 

How to Introduce ourself sample of Huzaif Ahmad

My name is Huzaif Ahmad I'm a teacher, educator, and vloger this is my interest to learn in the deep & research at the topic that i love to learn,

This is my experience and skill works together that i find out and share through my videos to the audience,

My YouTube channel's name is "Basic higher education"

It means the easy surface and small packages of information & knowledge that requires for work done,

I'm here to teach you the basic ideas of learning the subject learning that I've mastered in,

The Chemistry, English and general Science.

Follow me on



LinkedIn OR


9 0 9 6 3 9 2 3 3 9 

Thank you 😊 

Today's news reporter's

Nowadays I'm totally away from news media and their conspiracy theory, few years ago news meant pure authentic unfiltered information and suggestions, but today it is completely changed unbelievable differences are there, nonsense shout angrily barking like dogs and illiterate crowd on the news desk,

Now let's talk about content that I've watched on YouTube,

Podcasts are very interesting informative and educative lessons in the form of collaboration videos between two different interesting recognized well mannered experts, those who achieved and gained real knowledge,

Their ideas working skills and experience can inspire many people, everyone can learn by watching them, how to handle current situation and finding right solution & direction,

I highly recommend to watch podcasts as many as you can and improve the language you love to learn by watching it.

Thank you

-Huzaif Ahmad

Teacher YouTuber


About TRS The Ranveer Allahbadiya's Show

 Recently i watched my favorite YouTuber Ranveer Allahbadiya's podcast with a man he is an expert of the indian history, he revealed most sensitive events of history that didn't disclosed before, and kept behind the closed doors, the historian said that even the text books of history in india is not pure now, its edited included and excluded many unexpected things by the specific group of people and the dirty politics, they don't want to show the real indians history to the public, their aim is to upgrade the so called same mindset among indians, 

He further said that he think may be he's wrong the so called group of people are pressurized under the britishers and still lick their boots, it looks like funny in todays era, we can't imagine is it true or not the main cause may be different,

but atleast he has courage to say the truth against the group and this is the biggest quality of him, otherwise people manipulates its obvious, todays generation filled with edited history this is reality of our education system and its fact,

finally Ranveer dare to share awareness and this kind of original content among the generation and this is a big change.

Thank you.



Introduction of Muhammad Ilyas al-Kandhlawi

 The short Introduction of Muhammad Ilyas al-Kandhlawi, A Founder of Tablighi Jamaat


Muhammad Ilyas ibn Muhammad Ismail Kandhlawi Dihlawi born in 1885 Kandhla, Muzaffarnagar died in 1944 Delhi,

birth name was Akhtar Ilyas 

Qualified from Darul Uloom Deoband,

The author of Malfuzat book,

Muhammad Ilyas was an Indian Islamic scholar who founded the Tablighi Jamaat Islamic revivalist movement, in 1925, in Mewat province,

He was the first Amir of Tablighi jamaat,

He prepared a team of young Madarsah graduates from Deoband and Saharanpur and sent them to Mewat to establish a network of Islamic schools movement,

He once said that if he had to attribute a name to his movement, It would have been Tahreek-e-Imaan (Imaan/Faith movement),

The people of South Asia started calling the devotees Tableeghi and this name eventually became popular among the common people.

Tabligh is a word of arabic origin, which literally means to reach out'.

Tablighi Jamaat is an organization that reaches out to Muslims around the world, nudging them to return back to the 'Original' form of Islaam, as was practiced, during the life time of the prophet of Islaam.

                                      Huzaif Ahmad 


Things takes time to happen


We assumes that if we have lots of critical problems in life to facWe don't act immediately for solution first we see it as garbage on the way, think and ask someone's guideline and all then we get multiple choices

And when the time is come to do something we still think and think too much and time ups and over but the notification still on the window memorizing again and again "how to solve it immediately" things not happens accordingly the ideas totally failed we lose confidence arrest and handover completely move and left the situation but 

Is this the problem solved !

No not at all it will be click and kick continuously to the mind generate overthinking affects overall body, tiredness without doing anything

Now let's talk about solutions

Start doing from front corner

Take small steps

Our body can't push our final stamina on first day of gym it takes time to develop that fitness a mountain cannot cut and crops in a day and few days, Dashrat manjhi is a perfect example of "consistency" so the lesson learnt is don't say to our mind "this is too easy and too lengthy this is one day or one man show and this is the work of our few fingers" things takes time we can understand it with this verb "Process" and suffering don't always try to find immediate and fast working shortcuts, otherwise the product will come as same as without sugar and a tasteless cup of tea.

Thank You

-Huzaif Ahmad

Teacher, YouTuber

Content Creator


Do by your own

DO BY OUR OWN, Nowadays we all are watching reading searching thoughts of well doer's who achieved success because they gained something special and new from inside and outside as well 

Dr APJ Abdul kalam the late scientist of India

he had a unique mindset and work ethics not any other can adopt that same to same thought processing, either it happened, the imitator would lost his uniqueness

so enjoy your own lifestyles dont become a copycat 

Each and everyone has something special inside their

not appears easily we can dig it after some efforts, during works on ourself take a break daily or monthly basis from routine, think observe and search by spending more time for our own company and go for walk alone, go far anywhere without mobile phone or any disturbance and meet a different you

try something new and unique find who you actually are act towards what you want from life in good nanner if you think people are looking at you and you are being shy let them watch, don't hesitate he don't know where you are comes from, what you do and who you are 

keep doing amazing things

successful people manage time and does these spiritual underrated stupidity alone they does it without informing anyone, that "where they going? what to do there? and what happening in their whole lives? called Meditation.

So why don't we apply although we've enough time to do !

      Thank You

 -Huzaif Ahmad

Teacher YouTuber


Don't be a Copycat

DO BY OUR OWN, Nowadays we all are watching reading searching thoughts of well doer's who achieved success because they gained something special and new from inside and outside as well 

Dr APJ Abdul kalam the late scientist of India

he had a unique mindset and work ethics not any other can adopt that same to same thought processing, either it happened, the imitator would lost his uniqueness

The mentor's advice is don't criticize and compare yourself with any, enjoy your own professional and personal lifestyl avoid to become a copycat 

Each and everyone has something special inside their

not appears easily we can dig it after some efforts, during works on ourself take a break daily or monthly basis from routine, think observe and search by spending more time for our own company and go for walk alone, go far anywhere without mobile phone or any disturbance and meet a different you

Try something new and unique find who you actually are act towards what you want from life in good nanner if you think people are looking at you and you are being shy let them watch and judge, don't hesitate anyway he or they don't knows where you are comes from, "what you do? and who you are ?

Keep doing amazing things

successful people manage time and does these spiritual underrated stupidity alone, they does it without informing anyone, that "where they going? what to do there? and what happening in their whole lives" called Meditation.

So why don't we apply although we've enough time to do !

     Thank You

 -Huzaif Ahmad

Teacher YouTuber
