Saturday 2 July 2022

Today's news reporter's

Nowadays I'm totally away from news media and their conspiracy theory, few years ago news meant pure authentic unfiltered information and suggestions, but today it is completely changed unbelievable differences are there, nonsense shout angrily barking like dogs and illiterate crowd on the news desk,

Now let's talk about content that I've watched on YouTube,

Podcasts are very interesting informative and educative lessons in the form of collaboration videos between two different interesting recognized well mannered experts, those who achieved and gained real knowledge,

Their ideas working skills and experience can inspire many people, everyone can learn by watching them, how to handle current situation and finding right solution & direction,

I highly recommend to watch podcasts as many as you can and improve the language you love to learn by watching it.

Thank you

-Huzaif Ahmad

Teacher YouTuber


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