Saturday 2 July 2022

Introduction of Muhammad Ilyas al-Kandhlawi

 The short Introduction of Muhammad Ilyas al-Kandhlawi, A Founder of Tablighi Jamaat


Muhammad Ilyas ibn Muhammad Ismail Kandhlawi Dihlawi born in 1885 Kandhla, Muzaffarnagar died in 1944 Delhi,

birth name was Akhtar Ilyas 

Qualified from Darul Uloom Deoband,

The author of Malfuzat book,

Muhammad Ilyas was an Indian Islamic scholar who founded the Tablighi Jamaat Islamic revivalist movement, in 1925, in Mewat province,

He was the first Amir of Tablighi jamaat,

He prepared a team of young Madarsah graduates from Deoband and Saharanpur and sent them to Mewat to establish a network of Islamic schools movement,

He once said that if he had to attribute a name to his movement, It would have been Tahreek-e-Imaan (Imaan/Faith movement),

The people of South Asia started calling the devotees Tableeghi and this name eventually became popular among the common people.

Tabligh is a word of arabic origin, which literally means to reach out'.

Tablighi Jamaat is an organization that reaches out to Muslims around the world, nudging them to return back to the 'Original' form of Islaam, as was practiced, during the life time of the prophet of Islaam.

                                      Huzaif Ahmad 


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